Finer Women/FriendZ Save binder helps you save money and budget smarter than ever before. Make the most of every purchase with smart saving and budgeting techniques! This is a A6 PU leather binder. Each binder will come with two budget sheets for each binder insert. This binder also has a place where you can store cards, or bank receipts. Don't want to put actual cash inside of your binder inserts? You can always just transfer money to your savings and make a note of which insert it should go in. Get a printed receipt and add the receipt to your binder insert. Don't forget to keep track of what's going in and going out with your budget sheet! It helps you keep track of the date, which insert, amount you are depositing or withdrawing, and the balance for that particular binder insert. Why wait? Order yours today!
Please make sure to choose the correct binder from the drop down menu. These binders have a 10-15 day turnaround time.